I'm tired of struggling and I'm tired of ignoring the pain that those above us inflict in us.

I'm tired that people think that this system is the only one viable, I've written many times about it and I really think it's time to abolish this pyramidal system.

It's time for everyone to acknowledge that we are all the same and we are smarter than that, we aren't suppose to enslave each other, we aren't suppose to use others for our benefits.

I want to elevate this world toward true awakenesss.

Which is not religion related, but consciousness related.

Everyone should acknowledge the existence of Source/God and we should stop to behave toward each others like if the person in front isn't us.

The truth is that the person in front is also you or me and it's not because you are born in a nice family, have a nice job or nice passport or race that you should forget that some people are suffering.

I'm tired of this system and what it has brought into us.

Everything is about tempting us to become something unatural, all the porn to become pervert, all the food to become addict and big, all the drugs to become inapt to society.

We should understand and acknowledge that we are One Family Humanity. I'm tired of the slavery of many to profit a few.

I want to establish a new world order too, but not something based on massive surveillance, fear, and untrust. Something based on Love, courage, brotherhood, altruism, reason.

No one should be gay, no one should prostitute, or do porn  it leads to perversion and thus suffering of others.

No one should work in a company that doesn't take care of the planet or Life itself, companies such as Monsanto should disapear from this planet as much as the governement that received money from them.

No one should be above one another, no one should seek lust into all woman, it's also perversion.

We should live by reason and altruism and do what is natural and reasonable.

We should practice spirituality and forget all religions.

We should automatize all boring jobs and give ressources to all citizen.

We should calculate ressources and make new human only if necessary.

We should plant fruit trees everywhere and come back also to essential and stop this run for technology that has no sense and meaning sometimes and could harm the whole planet or even Life.

I'm tired to pursue fake dreams of material, be far away from my loved ones because of work.

I'm tired of being underpaid and suffering 8 to 5 everyday for a slave salary.

I'm tired of buying things that indirectly harm others like the phones, computer or eletric car in our hands that hurt many innocents in cobalt mine.

I'm tired of pedophile and all pervert that are ready to hurt innocent.

I'm tired of adrenochrome and all the demons that suck blood of young human, if this is true, I will come to you.

I want to erase Evil from our planet, I fell also into the abyss of Evil, i've been also a blind consummer of everything thinking that I wasn't a bad personn after all but now I see clear.

I can see clear the work of the Devil.

The Good and Evil is real, it is not an human construct, all that has been said in the movie Nefarious is very real or close to reality, our souls are in the game and i'm tired of atheist that can't see it.

I'm also tired of fake religions that promote violence and division.

I'm tired of advertising and big companies that abuse of their power.

I'm tired of people in power that just want to enslave people and lie again and again to manipulate the whole world.

I want to destroy Evil and it will start by remove from power everyone that is leading any country, all leaders of all countries are all fake leades, they just want to enslave us.

I want to create a system where everyone would have a shelter, real education, healthy food (no gmo, no pesticide, Ban of monsanto)

I want a world of truth and brotherhood.

Altruism is evolution, altruism is the reason of this life, we should live by this.

No one should hurt anyone else and violence should be handle by force if necessary.

I'm tired of Evil and everyone is able to see Evil, the real truth is into our heart.

I want to decimate all Evil of this world and it starts by taking care of all children of this planet, no children should be raped, or enslaved.

All children deserve a beautiful and innocent beginning.

I'm tired of those that imagine that this world is only once and thus consider normal to make others suffering.

I want to dismantle Evil and It will start with the consciousness of Everyone.

Money is evil by nature and should also be dismantle.

I'm tired of ignoring all the pain.

I am tired of all the media that are continuously lying, everyone that has inflicted pain and that continue to inflict pain directly or indirectly in one way or an other should learn in one way or an other to behave otherwise.

I'm tired to do not found a way to erase Evil, by myself it's very hard.

I want to destroy the Rotschild family, the Orsini family, the rockefeller family etc.

I will come to them and all their friends, I will dismantle Jewish religion, Muslims religions and christians religions.

Everyone will learn how to love each other and everyone will understand the power of ONE.

God is love and there is nothing else.

Maybe there is some good teaching in some religious book, but violence and division should never be tolerated, everyone has the right for peace, whatever your race, your country, your origin and gender.

There is only 2 gender and those say the opposite are just lost people that should come back on the path of Source, the path of reason.

I'm tired of Evil and I will dismantle it.

We should all stop to do sex for pleasure, sexe has been created to procreate and nothing else, I've been also in the abyss of porn addiction but I overcome it.

I have also demons but I want more than anything to overcome them, I want to live above them.

Mankind, don't you see that we are lured to be what we aren't suppose to be ?

Don't you see that what we are suppose to be isn't what it looks like nowadays ?

We should be close to nature, eat natural things, construct family of our own kind and race, living together would be all right but not for procreation.

I'm an universalist but I also believe we should also conserve races that have been build since many generations before us, I think people should procreate and fall in love with other similar people with close DNA if possible, but if not, well it's because it's meant to be, maybe interracial mixity is meant to be since human merge all together. Who knows ? I agree with both perspective honestly.

But I also agree that we should learn to all live together no matter the race because who knows what would happen in ones territory and that we need to move into an other because of natural catastrophic event

I'm tired of this lack of lucidity, clairvoyance, if I can evolve, you can too.

I'm still not perfect and most of time I lose my mind because I struggle to survive, but I'm tired, I am really tired of see this system at work.

I will give up my Life by trying to eliminate Evil, this is the main thing that I want to do, I can't continue to live a normal life, I can't continue to trigger myself with dopamine addiction.

I can't learn a new skill or have interest in any job, money or anything while this system is alive.

I need to kill this pyramidal system in the whole world and nothing will stop me except my death, because my suffering is my strenght.

In my world everyone will treat each other with respect, we will live accordingly with the laws of the Universe and we will acknowledge the existence of God and Evil.

We will work to be Good toward each other and we will work to destroy Evil which is selfishness.

I encourage everyone to listen to this audio that has been shared to me privately.







After I wrote this hateful text. I was scrolling X.com and I will be honest I wanted the Universe to give me something worthy of my issues.

So I end up on this video.

https://onefamilyhumanity.org/media/Book of wisdom intro.mp4


and thus this book




I think there is a great teaching in this book, I would even say think and feel.


If you want to reward the author it's overhere. I'm not related at all to them, the Universe/God/Source just gave it to me while I was in need tonight the 6/1/2024.
